24/7 Gym Access Control

Open your Gym doors for longer with Global Gym Software advanced Access Control system Save time and money with a cost effective door entry system that gives your business the competitive advantage.

Software can be integrated with more than one biometric device to mark attendance and prevent access of client’s whose membership is expired and enables you to grant access to other sections of the gym on basis of membership and employee role.

It grants access only to members having a valid or authorized membership. Access is denied based on certain business rules like non payment or expiry of membership. It tracks the attendance of members and automatically sends out courtesy messages to the respective people. You can also restrict entry of members based on pending balance payments.

Real Time and ESSL Company Any Device and any Tripod Turnstile Gate are Supported Our Software

List of Device Sucessfuly Integrated

1: SECUGEN / Mantra

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gym software attendace
global gym software attendace

1: ESSL X990

about us global gym software
about us fitness software gym software
about global gym software

2: REAL TIME: MODEL T52 /T-52F / RS10 / T61-N / ETC....

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real time global gym software
real time global gym software

3:REAL TIME ENRANCE CONTROL : Tripod Turnstile Gate

Realtime E142
 Realtime EL128 real time global gym software

4: ESSL K-30 PRO / Essl Uface 302 /K-30 PRO

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5: ESSL ENTRANCE CONTROL : Tripod Turnstile Gate

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tripod turnstile gate global gym software

6: Secureye SB-250 / Secureye SB100CB

secure eye bio matric device
secure eye bio matric device
secure eye bio matric device

7: Mantra Device : M-BIO-5N / BF MSD 1K

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mantra device global fitness software
mantra bio matric device global gym software

Real Time and ESSL Company Any Device and any Tripod Turnstile Gate are Supported Our Software. Call Now: 9825116855